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(Additional note: This article was immediately written upon the news that our troops withdrew from Iraq. Yet, it has been published in this edition since our magazine had already been sent to be printed then.)

            Despite the Super Power-the USA- and their collaborators, the incursion of the Turkish Armed Forces into Northern Iraq and its abrupt and surprising withdrawal from the territory very soon after achieving the planned military goals much sooner than expected shocked the entire world. This was the evidence and the indication of the fact that our heroic Soldiers and Nationalist Turkey was a super power.    

            The land operation was launched without informing the USA and this was understood through the following complaints of all authorities from Bush to Gates "We understand Turkey and consent to the operation, yet we expect the operation end as soon as possible" and through the abrupt visits of general staff and a delegation of senior officials to Turkey. Because in fact rather than against the PKK, this operation was carried out against the USA and Zionist centers that hold the control of this territory and it injured the pride of these evils.

            Some sympathizers of the USA and Israeli said that "The General Staff that could not resist to the pressures of the USA had to pull troops hastily out of Iraq earlier than the expected time". However;

Gen. Felix Sanz Roldan, chief of Spanish General Staff visited his Turkish counterpart Gen. Yasar Buyukanit at General Staff Headquarters. When media members reminded Büyükanıt of the words of Gates "Turkish troops should withdraw from northern Iraq as soon as possible", Büyükanıt worded that "Turkey has been struggling against terrorism for 24 years. Americans have been struggling against terrorism in Afghanistan for years. Short term is a relative notion. Sometimes it is a day, sometimes it is a year". And consequently, the withdrawal of the Turkish troops in a day with a precise achievement as planned before as a result of timetable that was concealed from all intelligence services and traitors was a real strategic and tactical achievement.

            Years ago Erbakan mentioned "Bayraktar" unmanned spy planes in details from their project phases to test flights. These unmanned spy planes were presented to the service of our army and it was later understood that these spy planes were used against Israel during the attacks on Lebanon and gave shocking results to Zionists. These unnamed spy planes had a noteworthy place in this big operation. That is, the news about the intelligence support of the USA and Israel was baseless.

            Were the Prime Minister notified of the withdrawal beforehand?

            The news that our troops were ending the operation surprised not only the USA but also AKP (Justice and Development Party). Because some rumors like Prime Minister had to cancel his TV speech in which he said "Our operations will last until the planned goals have been achieved and only then our army will withdraw" were targeting to weaken the General Staff by creating a chaos like "The Army is taking actions according to the directions of the USA and ignoring the government and political will". American sympathizers, despite their Zionist masters, have never accepted these achievements of Turkish Soldiers and the independence action. A speaker of a TV channel that supports the policies of AKP asked Fehmi Koru (evening of 3 March 2008):

            "Do you think it is possible to think that Turkish troops launched and achieved this operation without support and request of the USA and independently took the decision of withdrawal without having anything to do with them? And to this fictionalized question, Fehmi Koru gave such an answer like;

            "No, this can not be possible. The explanations of Büyükanıt-the Head of the General Staff- intended to pacify the reactions."

            So, this was the result of inferiority psychology of those hired minds.

            From moderate Islamists to left-wing, from Masonic Lodges to TUSİAD Barons, from sabbateans who pretend to be Kemalist to secondary Republic toadies; all competed to calumniate our army through the DTP(Democratic Society Party), which is the civil and political form of the PKK.

            We can't help thinking over. In which country can such an obvious freedom of betrayal be permitted?

            All these were giving the message that "it was the own initiative of Nationalist Turkey to cross the border and withdraw" and the explanations made by Military Chief Gen. Büyükanıt were the indication of this.

            All broadcasts like "the objectives were not achieved, a buffer zone weren't set, all these losses and expenses were in vain"  intended to calumniate our army and confuse the minds of our people.     

            In the first place, "we wonder if all the troops have withdrawn, this is not certain!",  these words of Fehmi Koru that he spoke on channel 7 on 29 February brought to mind that an adequate and  remarkable number of our troops might have been left in the territory.

In Hatay, Arzuhan Doğan Yalçındağ -The president of the Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (TÜSİAD) – said that;

"In this case, we have to accredit the explanations of General Staff. We cannot get anywhere by going in search of these explanations". These words were showing the concerns of this group and the powers they were associated with.

And anyway for some, it was estimated that we had ten thousand soldiers in Northern Iraq and only three or four thousands of them came back.

Moreover, "The place you cannot go is not yours" and if we take it from the opposite side, that will be "every place is yours as long as you can go and come back". That is, here the important thing is not crossing the border but keeping it under control. For example, the USA invaded Iraq and Afghanistan but could not keep it under control. Besides, these invasions took the USA into an impasse and economic crisis. The cost of Iraq invasion has surpassed 3 billion dollars, which was admitted by the White House Senior Advisor of Clinton period. This frightening amount is one and half times greater than the cost of Vietnam war which lasted 13 years and resulted in rout and two times greater than the cost of Korea War, in which we were also involved for the sake of our acceptance to NATO.

           Despite extreme weather and geographical conditions, some still want to underestimate the great achievement of our praiseworthy army which is the insurance of our peace. However;

a)         In fact, Turkey not only fought against the PKK, we also fought against a secret guerilla which was supported by the USA and Israel and which was equipped with high-tech arms and provided with technological and logistic facilities.

b)         More than half of the PKK consists of Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian Kurds and Armenians and the number of Turkish Kurds is below 40 percent.  

c)         French, Italian and Israeli hospitals founded in Northern Iraq have been helping the wounded and unhealthy PKKs out of the control of the Central and Barzani governments and even the basements of these hospitals have been used as headquarter. 

d)         That is, Turkish troops fought against the Barbarian West, not against the PKK.

e)         While the most competent American strategists says that "death of 17 soldiers just for 1 anarchist is a success in a guerilla war", death of our 27 soldiers for 270 terrorists must be considered to be a highly-practical and psychological success of our army and to be a miracle and God's help.  

f)          One of the significant achievements of this operation was having a deep impact on the PKK without causing a slightest damage to the civilians. This is the justice and compassion of Muslim-Turk. It is a fact that Zionist Israel killed more than 150 civilians in Gazza in two days and this can be considered to be retaliation against this operation.

              This operation started and ended within the plan framework that was prepared and put into action by the General Staff.  The reactions of AKP and the USA at these stages and the territorial balances must have been taken into account. Some kind of info exchange must have occurred.

              Now military authorities and strategists would justify our following findings:

              Previously, at the time of Ismet İnönü and Süleyman Demirel, an effective and result-yielding action regarding Cyprus couldn't be taken and some attempts were prevented by the USA and, as a result, a serious and courageous political will like a coalition including Erbakan was needed. Likewise, it is a tragic fact that against the PKK and Northern Iraqi provocations, today's AKP government cannot carry out operations that will yield permanent and disincentive results.

          For a long time, CHP and MHP have been considered to be the real proponents of our army but the recent reactions of CHP and MHP to our army have revealed what  their real character and  intentions were and their reactions have also showed the fact that our army is the common value of the whole nation. The relevant explanations made by the Turkish General Staff : "The improper attempts of some politicians to cast a suspicion on our military achievements are doing more harm to Turkish Armed Forces than traitors. The reaction of Deniz Baykal and Devlet Bahçeli to these statements is striking.

        Of course, we advocate that military methods alone cannot fend off this anarchism; some economic and social precautions should definitely be put into practice. Here is the resolution that Erbakan pointed out 40 years ago;

·           First, the principle of Islam brotherhood  together with a high moral  

·           And then a campaign for common development and National industrialization.

            And it is no longer doubtful that this can be achieved through neither those who have declared war against Islam via headscarf nor co-chairmen of Zionist and imperialist powers.

            By the way, "political resolution for Kurdish question" this proposal of the USA and especially the EU authorities should definitely be considered to be a trap.  We need to be fully aware of the traps to segregate the south-eastern part of our country by politicizing the PKK and through DTP and democratic federative pretexts.

            From Derya Sezak-a columnist in Milliyet- to secondary republicans, from moderate Islamists to Leyla Zana; the nonsense of "Democratic Autonomous Kurdistan" participated by lots of nebbishes like the before-mentioned names is a recent phase of Treaty of Sevres.  

            The declaration of "Returning Home" by the General Staff filled us with pride;

            It was emphasized through a press release regarding the ground incursion into Northern Iraq that "The objectives at the start of the operation were achieved."

            In the press release it says, "The time for launching and ending the ground operation was defined by us taking the military reasons and needs. Besides, by the time news about the case broke out, some of the troops taking part in the operation had already withdrawn into our borders as planned before. Turkish Armed Forces, taking some factors like weather conditions into consideration, launched a cross-border ground operation against terrorist organization.

            Our troops in a mountainous district across the border carried out the operation successfully despite deep snow and severe cold. The units participated were air and ground units with commando training, and no tanks, armored or wheeled vehicles joined the operation.

            Since the beginning of the operation, manoeuvre units and war-planes destroyed partly or wholly 126 caves, 290 shelters and hideouts, 12 command centers, 11 combat facilities, 6 training facilities, 23 logistics facilities, 18 transportation facilities, 40 light gun positions and 59 anti aircraft positions.  Objectives prior to the operations were achieved; after searching the area, our troops returned to bases in our country on 29 February 2008. The time for launching and ending the ground operation was defined by us taking the military reasons and needs. There is no inside or outside influence on this decision of Turkish Armed Forces. Moreover, by the time news about the withdrawal broke out, some of the troops taking part in the operation had already withdrawn into our borders as planned before.   

            Northern part of Iraq will be closely watched in terms of the activities of terrorist organizations and no threatens from this territory against Turkey will be allowed. Fighting against terrorism both inside and outside the country will go on with determination." 

            Even the Ministers Got Surprised

            Minister of Justice Mehmet Ali Şahin stated that he learnt from his press advisor that the ground incursion into the Northern Iraq had ended. Asserting he isn't knowledgeable about this subject, Şahin said "I haven't talked to the Prime Minister or Minister of National Defense yet. But, I can propose that the statements of the Chief of General Staff should be paid attention." On the other hand, Minister for Internal Affairs Beşir Atalay replied "I have nothing to say" when he was asked about the claims that Turkish Armed Forces had ended the operations into Northern Iraq.1   

            We can easily see that sabbatarian junta (converted Jewish elites that are regarded as Muslim), Masonic Lodges and moderate Islamists who submitted to the USA and the EU are watching for an opportunity to calumniate our army. We know that;

            Masons once used Istanbul Ziverbey villa as a center where they (masons) questioned those who tried to prevent and oppose to their secret power; even the generals were questioned here…

            For example, retired Major General Celil Gürkan was handcuffed and put into a cell and despised for days.

            Masons detained Metin Gürler – the son of Chief of General Staff Faruk Gürler- for a week and then set him free in Sultanahmet on condition that he would swear at his father.

            Officials brought to Ziverbey Villa amid false accusations of being the supporter of left-wing were deeply dishonored by Masons through the policemen. And now, Masons feel troubled about their devilish hegemony.

            An accurate comment by Sabahattin Önkibar;

            "This operation is the proof of the greatness of Turkish Armed Forces"  

            Despite the USA,

Despite the EU,

            Despite Barzani and Talabani,

            Despite the Arabian collaborators,

            And despite the known 'insiders', Turkish Armed Forces launched the operations by crossing the border. (And finalized it with a success. M.Ç.)

            You may say that the USA and the EU are backing. (in fact not, it just seems so) 

            Right, at least they are not opposing but, it is the firm stance of Turkish Armed Forces that carried both Washington and Brussels to this line.

            If Turkish Armed Forces hadn't adopted such a tough stance as opposed to the submissive stance of the AKP government, even the air assault wouldn't have been carried out, let alone the ground assault.  

            It is because of our tough stance that if necessary we can dare to fight against whole world for our benefits in Northern Iraq. Realizing this determination of our army, The USA changed its policy. Otherwise, a country like the USA wouldn't have gone into such a change of decision. 

Without exaggeration we can claim that this ground incursion is a clear evidence for the disincentive power of Turkish Armed Forces that has been admitted by the foremost countries of the world.

            And without doubt, carrying out such an operation under severe winter conditions is a necessity of being a great country. However, the most important thing for us is that everyone from the USA to the EU has given way to the demands of Turkish Armed Forces.

And this tells us how important Turkish Armed Forces are for the eternity of Turkey. 

            Other messages that the ground incursion gave us:

            1.The USA realized the firm decision of Turkish Armed Forces and disregarded the official certificate issued by the Turkish government on 1 march. 

            2.The USA let another country, that's Turkey, interfere in the invaded lands and in the invaded lands, that is Northern Iraq, they had to take mutual actions with Turkey. 

            3.The USA, in a sense, had admitted that they would not give the Kurds a helping hand with Kirkuk  

            4.The consent of the USA and the EU for the Turkey's incursion is an indication for that an Independent Kurdistan mentioned in Northern Iraq will not take place very soon.

            5. In return for the consent for Turkey's ground operation, the demands of the USA for taking mutual actions for the security of Iraq and sending more troops to Afghanistan are attempts just to save the day.   

            6.The USA may ask Turkey for a support against Iran. By consenting to the ground operation, the USA may have wanted to arrange suitable conditions for vice-president Cheney who is expected to pay a visit to Turkey in March in regard to Iran.   

            7.The USA may have taken a soft step regarding Northern Iraq with the aim of pulling Turkey out of the energy collaboration with Russia and Iran.

            8.The USA may have gone through a new expansion so as not to lose Turkey to Russia, which has been regaining momentum in the area.

            9.Now, let's come to the limits of the ground operation?

            For us, such a decision for incursion under these weather conditions is not a simple or a pointless decision. We agree that plenty of things including security line have been taken into account before the operation. Taking this decision has a clear and unique meaning; "Turkish Armed Forces are ready to fight under any circumstances or conditions for the security of Turkey".

            Go back to history and you will see that only this nation has such an army in the world…"  2

Why was the intention of Babacan?

            Another question to be answered in Ankara is why Minister of foreign Affairs Ali Babacan drew attention to the ground operation on his way to Moscow despite being not on the agenda… Although he was not directed such a question, it was a conscious attempt to mention that the ground operation was on the agenda, as if giving a warning to Northern Iraq. So, why did Babacan do that? Various speculations; 1) Babacan might have meant that the government was not out of the ground operation. He might have wanted to show that the final decision was taken by them. 2) He might have wanted to prepare public for this operation so that it would not have a cold-shower effect on foreign and domestic public opinion. Both of these may be the possible reasons. Yet, this attitude of Babacan shows that the ground operation is not a daily matter, on the contrary it has a deep background and a long history…3  


2.Yeniçağ / 23.02.2008

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